8:THE MORMON PROPOSITION provides a blue print as to how Big Money in one state orchestrated the outcome of a propositional ballot in two other states. Out of state Mormon influence and money flooded two state campaigns, Hawaii and California, and managed to sway the election to their political and religious agenda. This film emphatically demonstrates how this type of foreign influence strikes at the heart of the American democratic process. Regardless of your personal beliefs on the Gay Rights Issue, this film is really more about how our system of elections can be subverted by deceptively diabolical political marketing practices. Clearly, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is acting as a political action committee, and this form of ethical extortion by a rich and powerful tax exempt organization needs to be stopped. Supreme Court, where are you?
'Sentiment: Negative ☹️'
And then I see movies like this.If there is ever a good argument about why the silly notion of letting Churches have tax exempt status should be put by the wayside, this is it.The Church of Latter Day Saints spent 70% of the money supporting Proposition 8, yet hid behind front groups and other useful idiots to promote their agenda of hate.The delicious irony is that the courts have not only struck down 8, but if they appeal to the Supreme Court, they may well make it legal for the whole country. That would almost restore my faith in a God.
'Sentiment: Negative ☹️'
I am not a homophobic person. I believe in equal rights for everyone whether they be white, black, gay, straight, poor, rich, shark, or bear...but that doesn't change the fact this movie is a giant pro gay marriage, anti-LDS commercial, anyone thats read a paper in the last 3 years already knows everything this movie has to offer therefore I cant give it more than a 5/10 its heart is in the right place, but it's execution is preachy, melodramatic, and long winded....never good for a documentary in my humble opinion. Its 78 minute running time feels like 5 hours and in every essence of the word this film is a giant commercial